Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Still back in October....

 Nathan was invited to his first friend's birthday party! It was a Halloween themed mask party. I rushed to finish his costume and we got a small mask to go with his costume so he had a mask.

The poor guy fell asleep before the party! I was busy working on the other kids' costumes but was able to get a few snap shots of him! He had a lot of fun there, which makes me VERY happy!

 I had to share this, the boys wanted to decorate our front door, so took a trash bag that I had cut up for another party and put it on our front door. Nathan was very proud of his decorating.
 As we do every year, we went to Grandma Walker's house to do her ward's Trunk-r-Treat. So before we went I tried to get some pictures of the boys before it got dark. 
 Yes I made all three of the boy's costumes. It wasn't took hard but the feet! Holy cow, I couldn't understand the instructions worth beans! Then when I bought the fabric they didn't have enough so I had to be a little frugal and cut some corners in areas.

Here are the boys "acting as dinosaurs for me".

They were good sports for me as I took pictures....I think they are getting used to the fact that Mommy wants "lots" of pictures. 

 We then did the trunk- r- treat, there were TONS of people there and unfortunately we didn't get very much candy. With the economy no one can afford to spend $$ on candy to hand out.

When we got home we went to a few houses in our area, not many but enough. Since we weren't home most of the night, we didn't get a since trick - r- treater! Oh well, Trav took the candy we bought to work and shared it. Overall a good Halloween!

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