Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I have been waiting for over a week for a a special sewing foot for my sewing machine, called a darning foot! Yesturday I finally received my package that I have been looking for since I ordered it on line. But when I opened it, it was some weird flat thing that I have NO IDEA where it would even go! I was so sad! I have about 3 quilts waiting to be quilted, and binded. I was very sad. But yesturday while we were driving to have dinner for a birthday (DEREK....HAPPY BIRTHDAY) I saw a sewing machine place (and vacumes) so today while coming back from some errands, I decided to stop in....THEY HAD MY FOOT!!! I am so excited!!! So hopefully tomorrow I will have a nice pretty quilt to show!

For those who ask why I need this?? I need this foot so that I can do what is called "stippling" on the quilts.


Kayla said...

Thats too bad they sent you the wrong one! Im excited you found your "foot" and cant wait to see the quilt! :)

McKenna said...

You and your crafty-ness.

You should sew us up some matching Twilight PJ's for our New Moon extravaganza! Hee hee!