Thursday, September 8, 2011

My little scout...

 ***If you are looking for the NFL Square Swap, Click here***

This summer I (with Nathan and Kimball) got to go with our ward's cub scouts to a cultural museum at BYU.
 Brandon was SUPER hyper in this small museum with about 50+ other cub scouts and parents....
 sometimes his fellow scouts have little patience with him, but for the most part they like him.
 We tried looking at all of the different facts about our state and the American Indians that were in Utah....but they just didn't hold their attention....
 So we spent a lot of time making crafts....
 Then we got to make hieroglyphics...Brandon made a REALLY cute saying....he was rather creative....(I couldn't find where I put it....somewhere around here...)
 In this picture...he looks like me...instead of just Travis...
 We then had an area were we could try to build a hut like the American Indians did (I forget who they were, thankfully I'm not a history teacher!)
 Nathan just made a teepee....
 Kimball and his friend just liked to dig...
After the museum we went to a duck pond over at was all fun and games until the boys started throwing rocks at the turtles!! We put a stop to that right away....

For this activity Brandon earned a lot of different achievement awards and earned a badge too!

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