Oh my Nathan! I love him so much! I love her personality. When you think you have him figured out he changes something and does something completely different. He is a lot more lower functioning in the social area than his older brother so at times he doesn't get the attention his brother gets because he will not interact with him. When you talk to him, it is him talking to you and you are lucky if you ask him a question and he answers you back. He is a very kind older brother to Kimball and loves him so much. He would cuddle him all day if Kimball would let him. He has a few friends that he loves and does anything for them, from building train tracks to sharing his snacks.
When I look at Nathan I see my younger brother Joe. He has his body build (skinny as a bean pole) his hair color and his eyes (the half moon shapes). I love that my little boy looks so much like my Longan heritage.
Nathan currently loves the color "darker" green, not just green "darker" green. His best friend is Lucy. He loves to play Spiderman where he is Spiderman or Batman. His favorite movie right now is Scooby Doo meets Batman. He loves to eat peanut butter and jelly and drink milk. He hates to wake up and be the only little boy awake, so no matter how often I tell him to let his other brothers sleep he will always wake them up. Nathan loves school and is very excited to see Stacie (his teacher) everyday. We have a rule with Nathan that he can only cry when he is hurt or if a spider runs over you. And believe us, there once was a spider that ran over him and you would have thought he was going to die.
Nathan is a wonderful, happy, kind boy. I am so blessed to have him as my son and have the opportunity to raise him. He will grow up to be a wonderful man just like his father, an I am glad that I was lucky enough to receive him.
1 comment:
I love your nay nay too!!
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