Monday, June 21, 2010

Asterisk Progress

I need to start working on my Moda quilt but still had my Asterisk quilt going. So I made some progress on it, can't decide if I am going to continue with it some more or wait for some feed back.

I started out with a 6"square but after all the strips they went to 5 1/2" squares, then I cut them down to 5".

This is going to be a wall hanging and it will go on my wall in my room, but since I will be looking at it all the time AND since I am not that good of a quilter my seams won't match up. So I don't know if I should add a strip between each one, in black of course. Not sure. What do you think?


Not Lucy said...

I think it probably won't matter that the asterisks don't exactly match up but as you will be looking at it all the time it might be better to add black sashing between the squares.

I think it looks great though!

Luv 2 Kreate said...

I like it the way it is...but it is up to you :)