Thursday, August 4, 2011

Girl's Night Out

Saturday night me and my sisters and my mom went out to a movie. We went and saw this....
It was a good movie, but due to the fact that I miss my husband terribly I cried during the whole thing....blame it on hormones or whatever...but yes I cried A LOT during the movie.....

Afterwards we went to Perkins (similar to Denny's, Village Inn...etc) to have a midnight snack, since we only had a small pretzel for dinner.
 The three of us...Jenni (oldest), Catie (youngest) and Me (middle and best)
 Some wonderful news about Catie, she has decided to serve a LDS mission. She is currently working on getting her papers in (health things and whatnot) and then she will then find out where she will serve. She studied ASL in college and would really like to serve where she can use ASL, but I am sure the Lord will send her where she can do the most good. A LDS mission for a girl is 18 months long.
 Out of all of my siblings, we look most alike.
 I am told I am always sticking my tongue out....hmmmmm
 I was trying to get my Mom to smile and then getting my camera to she just flashed me this silly smile right as the camera took. The funny thing is, she looks a lot like her Mom in this picture, my Sweet Grandma Rita.
 We were trying to get a picture but Catie was being silly so she needed some help getting in line...
We had a fun night and hopefully we can do it again before Catie leaves.


Kayla said...

That picture does look like Grandma...How sweet!!

That is so awesome for Catie!! I can't wait to find out where she is going!!!

Landon and I want to see that movie SOO bad!

Amy said...

I thought the same thing.... she looks just like Grandma :). And I love that your cried during that movie, seriously you are too cute.

Jacqueline said...

How exciting for your sister!!!!! =) Glad the movie and goodies after were good. =)

~Niki~ said...

what is the als? i'm not LDS so i have no idea what is involved with this. neat! hopefully she goes somewhere cool!

Jan said...

I love girls night out! The girls and I are going to a morning movie Saturday! Congrats to Catie!