Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New School

Recently we had an opprotunity to put Brandon and Nathan's name down for a new Charter school that was opening near us. There was some room, so we were accepted. Travis and I thought about it and decided to pull both of them from Public schools and move them to the charter school.

They started last Wednesday and so far are doing WONDERFUL! They have a large variety of classes from drama to learning ASL! They both are known already by all of the teachers and have made some friends.

There are of course some things we still need to work on, but I think this atmosphere is the best we can provide for the boys as of now. So if you are curious what school it is, it's Quail Run Primary School. 

I was able to take some pictures of the boys with my broken camera.....

They were really excited about the day. They get to wear uniforms which is a PLUS for us since we have been fighting the boys on what is appropriate and what isn't for school. 


JT, Carly, Boston, Jocelyn and Snuggles said...

Awesome Crystal. I have really been impressed with everything I have heard about Charter Schools and I'm going to put Boston on a few lists. Keep us posted on how it is going!

Dana said...

That is really exciting! It's fun to start a new adventure. I bet they're going to continue to do great!

Tiffany said...

I'm glad to hear things are going well for the boys!

Amy said...

Oh my cute photos!!! That is so fun! And yeay for school!